Single Visit Option
Secure messaging platform
Same-day appointment
in-person option, if indicated
What is virtual care?
Hometown Health considers easy access and Virtual Care an important piece of managing our patients’ health in the most convenient way possible, providing value to all of our members. Virtual Care is full medical care, at the same medical standards, performed through different media, including secure messaging, telephone and video visits. This benefit, which is has always been available to Hometown Health members, is now available to non-members for one-time use.
During the current Coronavirus pandemic, health authorities have declared virtual health a safer option for many people in need of medical care. While a one-time visit is no substitute for an ongoing relationship with a primary care doctor, it is a service many are in need of at this time. If you have a medical concern that can likely be managed through Virtual Care, such as COVID concerns, cold/flu symptoms, or other minor medical concerns, you can do so from the safety of your own home. And, if an in-office visit is needed, we can see you in our low volume clinic, with strict safeguards and no waiting time.
Visit Fees
All Virtual Care visits are subject to a flat fee, payable at the time of registration. If an in-person visit is recommended, for additional evaluation for testing, you may choose to complete that visit for an additional fee. This includes all in-office testing. If additional send-out testing is required (like COVID-19 testing), those charges will be billed directly from the lab. Hometown Health does not bill or collect from commercial insurance or Medicare.
Virtual Care Only
In-Person Visit
Preview the Single Visit Agreement here