Darin Charles, MD


A Word From Dr. Charles. . .

COVID Update, April 6, 2020

Masks - Coronavirus Update, 4/6/2020

With continued spread of COVID-19, we are seeing escalated measures to prevent the community spread of the disease. We started with increased awareness of routine handwashing and face-touching, then social distancing, then different versions of “safe at home” orders, and, most recently, a recommendation from the CDC to wear masks in public. Community spread of COVID is now significantly more common than travel-related cases. This, combined with the fact that asymptomatic persons can carry and spread the illness, is the driving force behind the increasing measures. So, a couple of questions:

How do masks help?

Simple cloth face-coverings, if worn appropriately, help prevent you from getting others sick. These masks, covering both nose and mouth, help reduce the spread of droplets, found in the mouth and nose, and spread through coughing, sneezing (and perhaps even breathing and talking).

N95 respirators, if properly fitted, help protect the wearer from breathing in airborne particles. Since COVID is primarily a droplet-spread illness, this level of protection should not be necessary for the general public. These should be saved for healthcare workers, or those providing care to COVID-positive patients with high risk for aerosolization (ventilators, nebulizers, etc).

Who should wear a mask?

If you are asymptomatic: You do not need to wear a mask around the house, but should consider wearing one in public places, especially if social distancing rules are likely to not be followed (basically everywhere).

If you are having mild/potential symptoms: You should consider wearing a mask around the house (to protect others), and you should definitely wear a mask if going out it public (which you should try not to do).

If you have COVID-19: You should wear a mask at all times, whether at home, or if forced to go out of the house. You have the highest risk of spreading the disease, and want to protect others.

I hope this information helps. Please feel free to comment or ask questions, and to share if you like

Darin Charles